2022 Diocesan Assembly Resources

  • 2022 Diocesan Assembly Resources

    Assembly workbook; keynote presentations and workshop presenter slides and notes; Sheet music; prayers, and other

  • 2022 Video Playlist

    Videos from the 2022 Diocesan Assembly

  • Song - Together on the Way

    Download sheet music for the 2022 Diocesan Assembly theme song: Together on the Way by Peter Bierer and Lauren Bierer.

  • 2022 Assembly Participant Resources

    2022 Participant Preparation Resources

  • 2022 Pre-Assembly Feedback Resources

    Resources to support the feedback process between the 2021 and 2022 Diocesan Assemblies.

  • 2021 Diocesan Assembly

    All resources developed for the 2021 Diocesan Assembly including preparation, event, and post-assembly.

  • 2021 Video Playlist

    Videos from the 2021 Diocesan Assembly.

  • Prayer for Communal Discernment and Action

    Files, video, audio, and music related to the Diocesan Assembly Prayer - AKA Prayer for Communal Discernment and Action.

  • Being Church Together

    Synodal resource for the parish-school relationship.

  • Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel

    Archdiocesan statement on Formation which was developed out of the Diocesan Assemblies

About the 2022 Diocesan Assembly

Date: 21-22 October 2022

Location: Nazareth Catholic College - Flinders Park Campus (1 Hartley Road, Flinders Park)

The 2022 Diocesan Assembly is a continuation of the work that was started at the 2021 assembly. In 2021 participants developed recommendations for local parishes, schools, communities, agencies and for the Archdiocese as a whole. These recommendations need to be further discerned by the local communities and diocesan leadership. The 2022 Diocesan Assembly will build on the 2021 recommendations and provide opportunities for formation, skill-building, and strategic planning. It will also be an opportunity to look at the results of the Plenary Council and how they will be incorporated into local and diocesan life.

The 2022 Diocesan Assembly agenda was informed by:


Representatives from parishes, schools, communities and church agencies were invited to participate in the Diocesan Assembly. The Diocesan Assembly is organised by the Diocesan Pastoral Services Team along with a steering committee of 12 people from various areas of Archdiocesan life.

 2022 Participant Resources

Archdiocesan Information

Decrees of the 5th Australian Plenary Council

Additional Preparation Resources (optional)

The following resources are optional preparation materials. These resources are meant to assist participant develop a better understanding of the diocese and topics that will be explored at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly.

Papal Documents

Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) - Pope Francis’ first encyclical which outlines his vision for the Church.

Laudato Si - Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for the environment and the poor.

Amoris Laetia (The Joy of Love) - Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation following the synods of bishops on marriage and the family.

Christus Vivit (Christ is Alive) - Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation following the synod of bishops on young people.

Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters are We) - Pope Francis’ encyclical on social friendship.



Mission and Evangelisation


Journey to the Synod

Come along to the gatherings with Archbishop Pat as he prepares for his role in the Global Synod and we explore the major themes: Communion, Mission and Participation.

4 July 2023 COMMUNION

1 August 2023 MISSION

12 September 2023 PARTICIPATION

Parishes of Adelaide Podcast - Interview with Sr. Nathalie Becquart

Diocesan Report to the 2023 Synod on Synodality