Faith Formation and Spiritual Development
2021 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Consultation.
Prior to the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, people in the Archdiocese were surveyed about what topics and issues they wanted discussed at the Assembly. Many of the responses dealt with questions, challenges and issues related to Faith Formation and Spiritual Development:
Many people expressed a deep longing for faith formation and spiritual guidance. Many people asked for programs, resources and multi-modal learning opportunities to be provided at diocesan, deanery, parish, home, and individual levels. Respondents suggested a variety of kinds of formation: religious education in Catholic schools, catechetical programs, scripture study, theological education, Catholic social teaching, spiritual direction, sacramental preparation programs, adult faith formation, youth and young adult programs, service-learning, online options and small group settings.
Other responses included the promotion of commitment to prayer, experiencing different spiritual practices in the Christian tradition, and offering new opportunities to engage with and promote praying the rosary and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Some respondents spoke about their experience of a particular devotion, spirituality, or community and their desire for others to know about them..
Click here to read the 2021 consultation analysis.
Assembly Recommendations.
At the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, participants gathered in groups according to the six pastoral themes. In the area of Community Life and Worship, 39 recommendations were developed (click here to read the recommendations).
Providing a diversity of accessibly, high quality faith formation and spiritual development opportunities for all ages is a priority. While the faith education and formation of children is desired, there is a particular need for adult formation. Multi-modal resources and professional support must be provided for individuals, families, schools, parishes, and communities. There must be greater collaboration across parishes and schools in developing, sharing and implementing formation and sacramental programs. Ongoing formation and training of leaders, staff and clergy is vital.
Recommendations were developed in other groups that crossed over with this theme. You can find these in the full list of recommendations. Click here to access all the recommendations developed at the 2021 Diocesan Assembly in the six pastoral themes
2022 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Feedback.
In 2022, parishes, schools, communities and Catholic agencies were invited to provide feedback on the 2021 Diocesan Assembly Recommendations by prioritising their top three recommendations for the Archdiocese, and choosing their top three for their own context.
Click here to view the Feedback Results.
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the infographic.
Key Questions
How do we build an informed and educated Catholic community that has a meaningful spiritual relationship with God?
How might we better support Catholics to grow in a mature faith that enables them to both understand Church teaching and apply this knowledge wisely to their lives and decisions?
What have you experienced or are you aware of that provides adult faith formation in areas such as scripture, moral theology, Church social and ecological teaching, liturgy and mission to the world?
How might we become a more contemplative people, committing more deeply to prayer as a way of life?
What opportunities are you aware of for nurturing spiritual development and learning about and participating in prayer practices?
Which of these faith formation and spiritual development opportunities do you believe would be of most value for the archdiocese to establish and/ or promote if existing? What could be the benefits for our Church communities of increasing access to these programs.
Support and Resources
From the 2022 Diocesan Assembly
Access the presentation materials from the ‘Theological Foundations’ Workshop at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly. This workshop was presented by Rev. Dr. James McEvoy, a priest of the Archdiocese and lecturer with the Australian Catholic University, and Dr Jill Gowdie, Assistant Director Catholic Identity and Mission for CESA.
Pastoral Services Team
The Pastoral Services Team provides a wide array of pastoral resources and services to parishes, schools and communities, including faith formation and spiritual development.
Family Faith Formation Team
The Family Faith Formation Team, based in the Catholic Education Office, provides diocesan support and resources for parish-based, school-supported children’s sacramental preparation and faith formation for families and children .
Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults
The Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA), based in the Catholic Education Office, provides diocesan support and resources for ministry with young people and includes youth faith formation.
Australian Catholic University
The Australian Catholic University Adelaide theology campus offers theological and faith formation opportunities online and in-person throughout the year.
Spiritual Direction
The Archdiocese of Adelaide coordinates formation for spiritual directors as well as support for finding a spiritual director.
National Catholic Education Commission
The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) is a body of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference which overseas the broad vision and direction for Catholic Education in Australia.
Catholic Resource and Information Service
The Catholic Resource & Information Service (CRIS) supports the mission of parishes, schools and other Church agencies in their pastoral outreach as communities of faith. Membership is open to all and is free for all individual Catholics, Catholic schools and parishes. The collection includes books, audiobooks, journals, DVDs, videos, CDs, big books, picture books, posters, reference material, and on-line information. The Service also houses the Indigenous Education, Asian Studies and Graduate Certificate Collections.