Leadership and Leadership Formation
2021 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Consultation.
Prior to the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, people in the Archdiocese were surveyed about what topics and issues they wanted discussed at the Assembly. Many of the responses dealt with questions, challenges and issues related to Leadership and Leadership Formation:
Many people offered responses that dealt with leadership, directly and indirectly. There is great concern for issues relating to clergy, particularly the priesthood. Many are worried about the decreasing number of active clergy and low numbers of those entering the seminary. Clericalism and bullying, of both lay and ordained, was a significant concern. Many perceive their parish priests to be overworked, and stretched, some are detached from community life. Many are asking for the priesthood to be reimagined by being inclusive of married men, ordination of women, and laity. Clergy formation, before and after ordination was also a concern for many people. Several people expressed gratitude for the missionary and international priests serving in parishes in the Archdiocese but are concerned for their formation and wellbeing in a new culture.
Many are seeking a greater understanding of the role of the laity in church leadership, particularly for women and young people, and seeking greater collaboration between lay and ordained leaders. People are also seeking opportunities to develop leadership skills in ministry, governance, and pastoral life. Respondents also asked for guidance regarding pastoral councils, transparency of Church authorities and governance, and a more visible presence of the Archbishop in the diocese.
Click here to read the 2021 consultation analysis.
Assembly Recommendations.
At the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, participants gathered in groups according to the six pastoral themes. In the area of Community Life and Worship, 39 recommendations were developed (click here to read the recommendations).
With Jesus as our model, there must be continued discernment, development and implementation of new models of leadership for clergy and laity, particularly women and young people, to minister and govern collaboratively, synodally in the Church today. Greater resources are needed to support the recruitment, training and ongoing formation and wellbeing of ordained and lay leaders - professional and volunteer. Stronger collaboration between leaders of parishes, schools, agencies and the diocese.
Recommendations were developed in other groups that crossed over with this theme. You can find these in the full list of recommendations. Click here to access all the recommendations developed at the 2021 Diocesan Assembly in the six pastoral themes
2022 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Feedback.
In 2022, parishes, schools, communities and Catholic agencies were invited to provide feedback on the 2021 Diocesan Assembly Recommendations by prioritising their top three recommendations for the Archdiocese, and choosing their top three for their own context.
Click here to view the Feedback Results.
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the infographic.
Key Questions
How could changes in our models of leadership build a stronger, more relatable Church responsive to the times? How do we best form people for these leadership roles?
What could the Adelaide Archdiocese do to increase the number of people – lay women and men and ordained ministers - in leadership roles within the Church?
What new or refreshed formation programs are needed to support the development of lay and ordained leaders and how might these be resourced and supported?
How might formation, both pre- and post-ordination, better foster the development of bishops, priests and deacons who enable the full participation of all the baptized in all aspects of Church life?
Support and Resources
From the 2022 Diocesan Assembly
Access the presentation materials from the ‘Theological Foundations’ Workshop at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly. This workshop was presented by Dr. Julie Trinidad, a lecturer in Catholic Studies at UniSA Mawson Lakes, and CESA.
Pastoral Services Team
The Pastoral Services Team provides a wide array of pastoral resources and services to parishes, schools and communities, including leadership formation and support.
Ministry Formation Program
The Ministry Formation Program provides a range of contemporary resources for education and formation for women and men to build their capacity for understanding and responding to the challenge of Pope Francis’ vision of renewal.
Australian Catholic University
The Australian Catholic University Adelaide theology campus offers theological and leadership formation opportunities online and in-person throughout the year.
Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults
The Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA), based in the Catholic Education Office, provides diocesan training, support and resources for leadership in ministry with young people. COYYA also provide leadership formation opportunities for young people.
Family Faith Formation Team
The Family Faith Formation Team, based in the Catholic Education Office, provides diocesan training, support and resources for leaders in parish-based, school-supported children’s sacramental preparation and faith formation for families and children .
Spiritual Direction Formation Program
The Archdiocese of Adelaide coordinates formation for spiritual directors.